Thursday, 27 March 2014

The European Union

In Brussels we visited the EU building which allowed us to play in a role play game that simulated the actions that take part in the desicion making process of the EU Parliament. This role play divided us students into four different political groups (traditional beliefs, liberty, solidarity and environmental). Once divided, we were given issues upon which we had to listen to programs of people with information of their issue. We took each of these issues to different debating rooms with the other political groups. This then led us to a vote amongst the parties, which ended the role play. The issues presented to us, required us to remember the beliefs of our parties and the expectations of the voters who elected us. This gave the students a very insightful view on the decision making process which the EU goes through regularly. Also it shows part of the stress and frustration which these MEP have to take part in. I thought that it allowed us students to have a lot better view on the issues and the process the government takes to solve them. The set up of the different stations and the way information was given was very different in that most role playing games wouldn't have such information given in such a real scenario. This experience gave each student a role they had to fill in the process, so we each had something to contribute. 

- Curtis Holloway

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